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《World Geumgung Sports Association's Words of the Day》Facebook Recogni…

이순락기자 0 5485


~President of the World Geumgung Sports Association, publisher of KTN Korea Communications Associa  

In today's digital age, platforms like Facebook have become part of our lives, connecting everywhere in the world. These platforms offer many benefits, but they also bring the risk of addiction.

According to Facebook's user demographics as of September 2021, it is evolving with various changes in various age groups.It was especially popular among those aged 35 and over, and more popular among those aged 50 and over. But younger generations, especially teenagers and young adults, are increasingly turning to other social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok for their social networking needs.

Facebook users are at an age when people are interested in politics that affect their lives, so some people tend to use it for political purposes. However, the perspective of Facebook varies as much as the number of people in the world, and it is not easy to grasp its true meaning.Nevertheless, for those who use Facebook for certain purposes, a variety of characteristics are revealed.

In general, they often overreact that the Facebook account they use has a great influence on society. Responses to Facebook can sometimes be easily determined by the number of people clicking "like" and "dislike," but it should be kept in mind that excessive immersion in Facebook is like an addiction symptom that is hard to stop.

Recognizing signs of Facebook addiction is important in solving the growing digital problem.

The characteristics of people addicted to Facebook often spend an excessive amount of time on the platform, and it is common to check people's feedback, notifications, and messages frequently, often for hours every day.

Above all, there is a psychology that wants an unspecified number of people to continue to pay attention to them, and the shame of exposing their daily lives disappears.

They can neglect their real-life responsibilities, such as work, study, or housework, due to their obsession with Facebook.

Facebook addiction can lead to social withdrawal and often degenerate into their own league, as individuals can isolate themselves from real-life relationships by prioritizing online connections over face-to-face interactions.

On the other hand, there is a pattern of continuously checking Facebook even in inappropriate situations such as meetings and classes or driving.

Facebook addicts often make judgments about the world based on responses and comments received from their posts or what they see in their feeds. They are not free from digital influences that can change their mood according to feedback and do not recognize reality properly.

The psychology of Facebook addicts often elicits their self-esteem from the number of likes, comments, or shares their posts receive. This leads to the need for continuous verification from their online colleagues.

As the use of Facebook becomes commonplace, it becomes common to shake off your inner thoughts and feelings, and you are buried in false conviction that all your thoughts will be right.

When you feel that your daily life is not completed properly without Facebook, keep in mind that you are already in considerable addiction.

In conclusion, while Facebook can be a valuable tool for communication and connection, it is essential to remain vigilant about signs of addiction. These signs may vary in intensity and impact from person to person, but if left unchecked, Facebook addiction can have serious consequences for a person's well-being and relationship.

The wisest way to get out of Facebook addiction is to stop using Facebook for a while as if you were quitting smoking.

Humans can be free from addiction to Facebook when they recognize the objective fact that Facebook is another medium in the digital age and is a means of obtaining various information.

Photo Description: 2022 Andong International Mask Dance Festival, World Humanity Festival Site Out of the Digital World

- World Gold Palace Sports Word of the Day, Facebook Recognition of Signs of Addiction and Digital Challenges -


사진 설명: 2022년 안동국제탈춤페스티벌, 디지털 세상에서 벗어난 세계 인류 축제 현장

오늘날 디지털 시대에 페이스북과 같은 플랫폼은 지구촌 모든 곳을 연결하면서 우리 삶의 일부가 되었다. 이러한 플랫폼은 많은 이점을 제공하지만, 중독의 위험도 함께 가져온다. 

2021년 9월 기준 페이스북의 사용자 인구 통계에 따르면 다양한 연령대에서 다양한 변화를 보이며 진화하고 있다.특히 35세 이상의 연령층에서 가장 인기가 있었고 50세 이상에서는 더욱 인기가 있었다. 하지만 젊은 세대들, 특히 10대와 젊은 성인들은 그들의 소셜 네트워킹 요구를 위해 인스타그램, 스냅챗, 틱톡과 같은 다른 소셜 미디어 플랫폼으로 점점 더 눈을 돌리고 있디.

페이스북 사용 인구는 삶에 영향을 주는 정치에 관심을 갖는 연령대여서, 일부 사람들은 정치적인 목적으로 사용하는 경향이 있다. 하지만 페이스북을 바라보는 관점은 세상의 인구수 만큼이나 다양하며, 그 진의를 파악하는 것은 그다지 쉬운 일이 아니다.그럼에도 불구하고 특정 목적을 위해 페이스북을 사용하는 사람들에게는 다양한 특징이 드러난다.

일반적으로 자신이 사용하는 페이스북 계정이 사회에 지대한 영향력을 끼친다고 과잉반응하는 경우가 많다. 페이스북에 대한 반응은 '좋아요'와 '싫어요' 등을 클릭하는 사람들의 수를 통해 영향력을 간단하게 판가름 할 수 있는 경우도 있지만, 페이스북에 과도하게 몰입하는 것은 끊기 힘든 중독증상과도 같다는 사실을 명심해야 한다. 

페이스북 중독의 징후를 인식하는 것은 증가하는 디지털 문제를 해결하는 데 중요하다.

페이스북에 중독된 사람들의 특성은 종종 플랫폼에서 과도한 양의 시간을 보내며, 종종 매일 몇 시간씩, 사람들의 피드백, 알림, 메시지를 자주 확인하는게 일반적이다.

무엇보다도 불특정 다수의 사람들이 자신에 대한 지속적인 관심을 가져주길 바라는 심리가 자리잡고, 자신의 일상을 노출시키는 것에 대한 부끄러움이 사라진다.

그들은 페이스북에 대한 그들의 집착으로 인해 일과 공부, 혹은 집안일과 같은 그들의 실생활의 책임을 방임할 수 있다.

개인들이 직접 대면하는 상호작용보다 온라인 연결을 우선시하여 실생활의 관계로부터 스스로를 고립시킬 수 있기 때문에, 페이스북 중독은 사회적 금단현상으로 이어질 수 있으며 그들만의 리그로 전락하는 경우가 비일비재하다.

한편으로 모임과 수업 중 또는 운전 중과 같은 부적절한 상황에서도 지속적으로 페이스북을 확인하는 패턴을 보인다.

페이스북 중독자들은 그들의 게시물에서 받은 반응과 논평 또는 그들의 피드에서 보는 내용에 기초하여 세상에 대한 판단을 하곤한다. 피드백에 따라 기분이 변할 수 있고 현실을 제대로 인식하지 못하는 디지털 영향에서 자유롭지 못하다.

페이스북 중독자들의 심리는 종종 그들의 게시물이 받는 좋아요, 댓글, 또는 공유의 수로부터 그들의 자존감을 이끌어 낸다. 이것은 그들의 온라인 동료들로부터 지속적인 검증의 필요성으로 이어진다.

페이스북 사용이 일상화 되면서 속마음과 감정을 털어내느 것이 보편화되고, 자신의 모든 생각이 옳을 것이라는 거짓 확신에 매몰되기도 한다.

페이스북을 하지 않으면 자신의 일상이 제대로 완성되지 못한다는 느낌을 받을 때, 이미 상당한 중독증에 빠졌다는 사실을 명심하라.

결론적으로, 페이스북이 의사소통과 연결을 위한 귀중한 도구가 될 수 있지만, 중독의 징후에 대해 경계를 늦추지 않는 것이 필수적이다. 이러한 징후는 사람마다 강도와 영향이 다를 수 있지만, 방치할 경우 페이스북 중독은 사람의 안녕과 관계에 심각한 결과를 가져올 수 있다. 

페이스북 중독에서 벗어나기 위한 가장 현명한 방법은, 담배를 끊듯이 한동안 페이스북 사용을 멈추는 것이다.

페이스북이 디지털시대의 또다른 미디어로서 다양한 정보를 얻기 위한 수단이라는 객관적인 사실을 인식할 때, 인간은 페이스북에 대한 중독에서 자유로울 수 있다.

-세계금궁스포츠 오늘의 말, 페이스북 중독 징후 인식과 디지털 도전 과제-


Photo Description: 2022 Andong International Mask Dance Festival, World Humanity Festival Site Out of the Digital World

In today's digital age, platforms like Facebook have become part of our lives, connecting everywhere in the world. These platforms offer many benefits, but they also bring the risk of addiction.

According to Facebook's user demographics as of September 2021, it is evolving with various changes in various age groups.It was especially popular among those aged 35 and over, and more popular among those aged 50 and over. But younger generations, especially teenagers and young adults, are increasingly turning to other social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok for their social networking needs.

Facebook users are at an age when people are interested in politics that affect their lives, so some people tend to use it for political purposes. However, the perspective of Facebook varies as much as the number of people in the world, and it is not easy to grasp its true meaning.Nevertheless, for those who use Facebook for certain purposes, a variety of characteristics are revealed.

In general, they often overreact that the Facebook account they use has a great influence on society. Responses to Facebook can sometimes be easily determined by the number of people clicking "like" and "dislike," but it should be kept in mind that excessive immersion in Facebook is like an addiction symptom that is hard to stop.

Recognizing signs of Facebook addiction is important in solving the growing digital problem.

The characteristics of people addicted to Facebook often spend an excessive amount of time on the platform, and it is common to check people's feedback, notifications, and messages frequently, often for hours every day.

Above all, there is a psychology that wants an unspecified number of people to continue to pay attention to them, and the shame of exposing their daily lives disappears.

They can neglect their real-life responsibilities, such as work, study, or housework, due to their obsession with Facebook.

Facebook addiction can lead to social withdrawal and often degenerate into their own league, as individuals can isolate themselves from real-life relationships by prioritizing online connections over face-to-face interactions.

On the other hand, there is a pattern of continuously checking Facebook even in inappropriate situations such as meetings and classes or driving.

Facebook addicts often make judgments about the world based on responses and comments received from their posts or what they see in their feeds. They are not free from digital influences that can change their mood according to feedback and do not recognize reality properly.

The psychology of Facebook addicts often elicits their self-esteem from the number of likes, comments, or shares their posts receive. This leads to the need for continuous verification from their online colleagues.

As the use of Facebook becomes commonplace, it becomes common to shake off your inner thoughts and feelings, and you are buried in false conviction that all your thoughts will be right.

When you feel that your daily life is not completed properly without Facebook, keep in mind that you are already in considerable addiction.

In conclusion, while Facebook can be a valuable tool for communication and connection, it is essential to remain vigilant about signs of addiction. These signs may vary in intensity and impact from person to person, but if left unchecked, Facebook addiction can have serious consequences for a person's well-being and relationship.

The wisest way to get out of Facebook addiction is to stop using Facebook for a while as if you were quitting smoking.

Humans can be free from addiction to Facebook when they recognize the objective fact that Facebook is another medium in the digital age and is a means of obtaining various information.

- World Gold Palace Sports Word of the Day, Facebook Recognition of Signs of Addiction and Digital Challenges -


기사등록 : 김영숙기자
# [경북미디어뉴스]의 모든 기사와 사진은 저작권법에 따라 무단전재시 저작권료를 청구할 수 있습니다.


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