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《World Geumgung Sports Association's Words of the Day》 Calligraphy is …

이순락기자 0 2599


~President of the World Geumgung Sports Association, publisher of KTN Korea Communications Association 

Calligraphy has a long history as the root of Eastern spiritual culture and has played a key role in the development of traditional East Asian culture and arts.

Calligraphy is an art that expresses human inner life, life, and emotions by shaping characters based on black and white.

Calligraphy refers to neat writing, and excellent writing implies the spirit of the writer's choa.

It is said that proper posture and proper writing through calligraphy are deeply related to health.

When immersed in calligraphy, it finds stability in mind and body and does not tremble hands.

Calligraphy should be done with a well-managed brush, ink, inkstone, and paper, and with the surrounding environment organized.

On November 23, 2018, the "Act on the Promotion of Calligraphy" was passed. The reason why the bill was proposed is that calligraphy is not just a genre of art, but a bowl containing the mental culture of our people and a noble traditional culture where we can learn dignity and emotions.

Our country produced an outstanding calligrapher named teacher with alpine hwanggi. It was called Haedongchoseong in China, and this year marks the 500th anniversary of Gosan's birth.

The following is a commentary on a poem written by Hwang Gi-ro of Gosan Mountain.

<Hwang Go-san's Poem-Jaeun Jang Kyung-ah's Painting and Painting Exhibition>

Sad tears are flowing in my eyes in front of the Nakdonggang River

My old grandfather came to this river

Don't say it's a sign of a lonely island's pavilions

It's not adjacent to the beautiful scenery of the famous landscape

Trees have no days of calm in the wind, and on the banks of the moonlight,

There's only a meat boat floating. Sogwa! I can't believe it

I can't read it. There's no reason to do it later

Photo description: A poem by Hwang Giro from Gosan, written by Jain Jang Kyung-ah on display at Gumiye Gallery 

-The World Geumgung Sports Association's Book and Calligraphy is the Roots of Oriental Spiritual Culture -

2022. 8.25. 06:00

-World Geumgung Sports Association: 054-456-9865 3rd floor of Shinsiro 4-F, Hyeonggok-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

-E-mail: flower_im@naver.com

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사진 설명: 구미예갤러리에 전시된 고산 황기로선생의 시, 자은 장경아 작가 작품


서예는 동양 정신문화의 뿌리로서 유구한 역사를 가졌으며 동아시아 전통 문화예술 발전에 핵심적인 역할을 해왔다.

서예는 흑백을 바탕으로 문자를 소재로 하여 조형화 시키는 것으로 인간의 내면과 생명과 감정을 표현하는 예술이다.

서예란 반듯한 글씨를 말하고 훌륭한 글씨는 작가의 초아의 정신을 내포하고 있다.

서예를 통한 바른자세와 바른 집필은 건강과 깊은 관련이 있다고 한다.

서예에 몰입할 때는 심신의 안정을 찾고 손의 떨림도 없다.

서예는 붓과 먹과 벼루와 종이를 잘 관리하고 주변 환경이 정리정돈된 상태에서 행해야 한다.

2018년 11월 23일 '서예진흥에 관한 법률안'이 통과됐다. 법안이 발의된 이유는 서예는 단순한 예술의 장르가 아닌 우리 겨레의 정신문화를 담는 그릇이자 품격과 정서를 배울 수 있는 고귀한 전통문화이기 때문이다.


우리나라는 고산 황기로 선생이라는 출중한 서예가를 배출했다. 중국에서 해동초성이라고 불렸으며 올해는 고산 탄생 500주년이다.


다음은 고산 황기로 선생이  쓴 시에 대한 해설이다.


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-세계금궁스포츠협회 어록,서예는 동양정신문화의 뿌리-


2021. 8.25. 06:00

기사등록 : 김영숙기자
# [경북미디어뉴스]의 모든 기사와 사진은 저작권법에 따라 무단전재시 저작권료를 청구할 수 있습니다.


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