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《World Geumgung Sports Association's Words of the Day》Invest 30 minute…

이순락기자 0 1613


 ~President of the World Geumgung Sports Association, publisher of KTN Korea Communications Association 

If you lose your health, no matter how much you want to do good things, you can't do it and you don't have time to relax.

Healthy people have a lively face, shining eyes, and full of motivation for life.

To create a healthy body and a healthy mind, you have to devote a certain portion of 24 hours a day.

Some people do not enjoy exercising under the pretext of being busy or lazy and lazy.

30 minutes a day can make a big difference in your life.

The most common health care method is to walk naturally in a place with good air and clear sound, and it is good to walk consciously enough to produce healthy sweat at this time.

If you can afford it more, it would be even better to run in a posture that does not shake your flat arms significantly.

If you can't even walk, meditation and Danjeon breathing are also good for healing with your eyes closed while maintaining your body properly.

Also, if you concentrate on exercising for 15 minutes a day, it is even more icing on the cake.


Photo description: Jindo dog Yoo Dong-soon and Balbari Bobae, who are taking a morning walk

 -The President of the World Kowloon Sports Association, Invest 30 minutes a day for your health-

2021. 4.24. 06:00

-World Geumgung Sports Association: 054-456-9865 3rd floor of Shinsiro 4-F, Hyeonggok-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

-E-mail: flower_im@naver.com

-Recommended by heads of associations around the world

- Consultation on holding gold palace sports education programs and competitions for local governments, public institutions, schools, training centers, and military units across the country.

-I hope Oprah Gail Winfrey and Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates will generously sponsor the world of gold palace sports to enhance human mental strength and health

아침 산책 중인 진도개 유통순과 발바리 보배



건강을 잃으면 아무리 좋은 일을 하고 싶어도 할 수 가 없고 마음의 여유가 없어진다.

건강한 사람은 얼굴에 생기가 넘치며 눈은 빛이 나고 삶에 의욕이 넘친다.

건강한 육체와 건강한 정신을 만들기 위해서는 하루 24시간 중 일정 부분을 할애해야만 한다.

어떤 이들은 바쁘다는 핑계로 혹은 게으르고 귀찮아서 운동을 즐겨 하지 않는다.

하루 30분이면 인생에 큰 변화를 가져다 줄 수 있다.

가장 보편적인 건강관리법은 좋은 공기와 맑은 소리가 있는 곳에서 자연스럽게 걷는 것이며 이 때 건강한 땀이 나올 정도로 의식하며 걸으면 좋다.

좀 더 여력이 된다면 허리를 곧게 편 체 팔을 크게 흔들지 않는 자세로 달리면 더욱 좋겠다.

걷지도 못할 경우에는 몸을 바르게 유지한채 눈을 감고 힐링하는 명상과 단전호흡도 좋다.

그리고 금궁스포츠도 하루 15분간 집중하여 운동하면 더욱 금상첨화이다.


-세계금궁스포츠협회장 어록, 건강을 위해 하루 30분을 투자하라-

기사등록 : 김영숙기자
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